Research and Studies

Who is Doing What Where and When (4Ws) in Mental Health & Psychosocial Support in Jordan? 2017 Interventions Mapping Exercise

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The Syrian conflict, which is now approaching its seventh year, has forced well over 5.2 million of the country’s citizens to take refuge in neighboring countries. To date, it is estimated that over 654,582 displaced Syrians reside in Jordan, while according to official 2015 census it is estimated that Syrian refugees in Jordan exceed 1.2 million. Due to its positioning and security within the region, Jordan has also become host to refugees and migrants from surrounding countries such as Iraq, and Yemen, and occupied Palestinian territories. Exposure to violence, loss and displacement, as well as pre-existing mental health conditions, have various implications on the MHPSS sub-sector and services in Jordan.

To respond to the needs of refugees in Jordan, many INGO, NGO, UN agencies and CBOs have established operations in Jordan, making it the country with the highest number of NGOs in the MENA region. To ensure effective coordination between the various actors the MHPSS working group was established in Amman. The working group co-lead by IMC and WHO meet on a monthly basis to discuss a number of issues including, service updates, contextual factors, and best practices in MHPSS service provision. As part of the working group an annual mapping exercise is conducted to document active MHPSS service providers, and to highlight potential gaps in service delivery.

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