Research and Studies

Winterisation Assessment in Al Za'atari Refugee Camp in Jordan

Assessment Report

Reach jor report syriacrisis alzaataricamp winterisationassessment oct2014 0 png

As the Syria crisis shows no signs of abating, Al Za’atari has transitioned from a temporary base for refugees, to a more established settlement. Most of the residents in the camp now have a caravan and the majority have already experienced at least one winter inside the camp. As part of its on-going collaboration with UNHCR, REACH conducted an assessment focused on the needs of the households within the camp for the coming winter. The assessment was conducted over the course of 10 days, collecting data from a representative sample of 392 households across all districts. To effectively assess the needs of Syrian refugee households in Al Za’atari camp, the assessment focused on two key components for winterisation: shelter and non-food item (NFI) needs (with a particular emphasis on heaters). Both retrospective and present day questions were asked to identify trends over time in the needs and vulnerabilities of the camp population.

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