Research and Studies

World Disasters Report 2018: Leaving No One Behind

The International Humanitarian Sector Must Do More to Respond to the Needs of the World’s Most Vulnerable People

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The 2018 World Disasters Report asks challenging questions of affected states, admittedly overburdened donors, and local and international humanitarian organizations. It includes a strong call for more, for better and for more equitable, funding and action to meet the rising needs. It also calls for a more conscious and transparent approach to ensuring the people in greatest need are placed first in line for assistance.

The report identifies five fatal flaws that are allowing so many people to fall through the cracks: too many affected people are 1) out of sight, 2) out of reach, 3) left out of the loop, or find themselves in crises that are 4) out of money, or deemed to be 5) out of scope because they are suffering in ways that are not seen as the responsibility of the humanitarian sector.

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