WHY USE THIS FORM? World Vision always tries to ensure that we are providi ng the right assistance to the right people according to thei r needs and in a manner that is appropriate. But we require information and assistance from affe cted people to ensure this happens. Those that were affected by the earthquake are in the best position to tell us what things are working well and what things may need to be adjusted in our programs and in t he way we are engaging with them. One way to ensure that we listen to community feedback and ta ke action based on what we hear is by documenting it and shar ing it with managers who are in decision-making positions. This form is a simple way of documenting key community feedback on a daily basis so t hat managers can make the right decisions based on information from beneficiaries themselves. WHO SHOULD USE THIS FORM? Community volunteers or mobilizers should use this form on a daily basis to record key feedback and complaints heard fro m community members. HOW DO I USE THIS FORM? Community volunteers should carry blank copies of this form with them when they are working at field sites. If you fo rget to bring this form with you, you can record feedback and complaints in your notebooks instead. At the end of each day, each volunteer should complete this form and record the MAJOR feedback or complaints they heard that day from affected peopl e when working at field sites according to the guidelines below. Once per week, depending on your sector’s meeting schedule, this feedback should be discussed at a meeting and an acti on plan developed to address the feedback or complaints raised. It is important that th e feedback collected from this form is discussed regularly so that actions can be taken.