With learning comes change

ICRC workshop, Mendi
Photo: ICRC/Reuben Tabel

Unlock learning

Join us in 2024 on a new journey to transform humanitarian learning approaches and cultures.

There's a greater need than ever to unlock the rich learning that already exists within our sector to tackle humanitarian challenges head on.

The challenge

Throughout 2024, we will be challenging ourselves, our members and humanitarians everywhere to be bolder in our learning, embrace different learning experiences and approaches, and be more receptive and responsive to learning.

As the nature of crises evolves, humanitarians’ ability to learn and change must be equally adaptive and dynamic.

We must transform our thinking. Step off linear learning paths. Unpick power relations. Create a more inclusive learning environment.

Video series: Sector leaders open up on learning

Hear what people from across the sector have to say

What can you do?

This year, be sure to take time out to recommit and reconnect to learning in a way that works for you - whether you are humanitarian leader or working on the frontline of a crisis, part of the research community or about to embark on a career in the sector. You can find out more and get involved in this initiative through ALNAP’s social media channels.

Suggested resources

Below are some suggestions from our own library of learning resources and links to insights from organisations and noted humanitarians on key aspects of learning. Or explore our HELP library.

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