
Supporting local actors for more effective humanitarian assistance


An Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA) webinar...

There is wide agreement that humanitarian assistance would be better and more effective with more prominent roles for local and national actors (LNA). They are first to react in crises, they stay throughout, and they remain when international actors leave. Yet, they are largely marginalised, despite international agreements in the Grand Bargain from 2016 and 2021 to provide them with more direct and high-quality financial support.

A recent evaluation study reviews how Sweden, one of the countries signing the Grand Bargain, has applied the localisation agenda. Limited progress has been made and large challenges remain. To what extent is this result representative of the wider international situation? Are there lessons to learn for other actors in the humanitarian system? And how may progress be made towards the 25 percent LNA funding target, improved partnerships and shifting of power balances?

Agenda and participants

Presentation by Report Authors:

  • Sophia Swithern, Independent Consultant, Oxford
  • Charlotte Lattimer, Independent Consultant, Charmonix, France
  • Gang Karume, Independent Consultant, DRC

Panel Discussion:

  • Anita Kattakuzhy, Director of Policy, Network for Empowered Aid Response (NEAR)
  • Smruti Patel, Founder, Global Mentoring Initiative, Geneva
  • Vijayalakshmi Viswanathan, Consultant, Previously Senior Research Officer, ALNAP

Moderator: Johan Schaar, Previously EBA Vice Chair and ALNAP Chair

Read and download the report and others from EBA at