Tool(kits)/guidelines Guía de Evaluación de la Acción Humanitaria ALNAP's Spanish language EHA guidance provides guidance to support evaluation practitioners Monitoring & Evaluation Commentary Humanitarian financing: Where’s the system shift? System-wide performance Commentary What does the UK election campaign mean for aid evaluation? Monitoring & Evaluation Summary Strengthening the quality of evidence in humanitarian evaluations Monitoring & Evaluation Commentary Four lessons learned from synthesising humanitarian evidence Key insights about the humanitarian evidence base and the process of synthesising existing research. Monitoring & Evaluation Commentary New year, new you? What the WHS can learn from failed new year’s resolutions Making the case for setting goals and monitoring progress. System-wide performance Summary Improving Humanitarian Coordination: Executive Summary and Recommendations Summary of the themes discussed in ALNAP's meeting and actionable recommendations Coordination Report Improving Humanitarian Coordination: Themes and recommendations This paper identifies constraints to change and presents the recommendations from ALNAP's meeting participants Coordination Commentary What do Donald Trump, Brexit and the humanitarian system have in common? System-wide performance Commentary Three things urban humanitarians can learn from six blind men and an elephant The importance of looking at cities as systems in urban humanitarian response Urban response Tool(kits)/guidelines Evaluation of Humanitarian Action (EHA) Guide ALNAP's EHA guidance provides guidance to support evaluation practitioners. Monitoring & Evaluation Commentary Commitment gridlock at the World Humanitarian Summit: a three lane highway for delivering change John Mitchell reflects on the outcomes of the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit. System-wide performance Briefing How can we improve decision-making in humanitarian coordination? Coordination Briefing How can we improve humanitarian coordination across a response? Outlines key issues and questions related to cross-coordination in a humanitarian response Coordination Briefing How to make the most of information management in coordination? Outlines key issues and questions related to information management of humanitarian coordination Coordination Briefing How can we better involve national actors in humanitarian coordination? Outlines key issues and questions related to the participation of national actors in humanitarian coordination Coordination Commentary The other half of gender: Are humanitarians blind to the vulnerabilities of male refugees? A critical look at perceptions of gender among refugees. Displacement Commentary Insecurity in the Humanitarian Cyberspace: A Call for Innovation Innovation Report More than just luck: Innovation in humanitarian action What does a successful humanitarian innovation process look like? What are the factors that enable success in innovation management in the humanitarian system? Innovation Commentary One humanity, many visions ALNAP's Alice Obrecht reflects on the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit. System-wide performance Back 1 2 ... 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Next