Commentary Drones for Good Can humanitarians from the use of drones? Innovation Commentary Why engagement is not a one-size-fits-all matter System-wide performance Summary Rhetoric or reality? Putting affected people at the centre of humanitarian action Accountability to affected populations Commentary Smart cars, and robots, and drones, oh my!? How do humanitarians approach technology for change? Innovation Commentary What happened to humanitarian funding? What was the financial response to the challenges of 2013’s crises? Did the budgets match the needs? Prioritisation Commentary An increasingly dangerous calling Humanitarianism is becoming harder to define, more politicised, and more dangerous especially for local staff Report Between chaos and control: Rethinking operational leadership 'What works’ in terms of operational leadership? Leadership & Decision-making Commentary Working better with urban designers: reflections from the DFUD Conference On understanding urban systems both before, during and after a disaster Urban response Lessons paper Responding to flood disasters: Learning from previous relief and recovery operations Lessons learned from previous flood responses for humanitarians who have to decide if, when and how to intervene after a flood Floods Commentary Halfway there! EHA Guide pilot so far: who is taking part and what we’ve heard Six of the most popular comments and feedback from user 'piloters' Monitoring & Evaluation Commentary How to address disasters in the post-2015 development framework? What would 'good' disaster targets and indicators look like in the post-MDG framework? Anticipatory Action Humanitarian-development-peace nexus Commentary What crisis? Taking time to reflect on humanitarianism between 'the global' and 'the local' Does humanitarianism epitomise the gulf between 'the global' and 'the local'? Commentary Five things you need to need to know about non-state humanitarian funding A detailed picture of non-state humanitarian funding in 2013 Commentary Rwanda, 20 years on: No right answers, no silver bullets A reflection on lessons from the Rwandan genocide that remain relevant today Armed conflict Commentary How governments are learning from disaster Are National Disaster Management Agencies learning and improving? Anticipatory Action Commentary Who engages with whom? Who is accountable to whom? Can the development sector learn from the humanitarian sector? Reflections on the professionalisation of the humanitarian sector Accountability to affected populations Report Humanitarian Feedback Mechanisms: Research, evidence and guidance Accountability to affected populations Commentary Feeling what the other feels - for a sympathetic ethics Exploring personal ethics in humanitarianism Lessons paper Humanitarian interventions in settings of urban violence 2013 Lessons paper available in English and Arabic Commentary Seven golden rules of recovery management A pocket rulebook to help you prepare for the next big disaster. Back 1 2 ... 11 12 13 14 15 Next