Associate member Elrha It is a global organisation that finds solutions to complex humanitarian problems through research and innovation. They are one of the leading actors in humanitarian research and innovation. Bringing people … Networks NGOs Associate member InterAction InterAction is an alliance organisation in Washington, D.C. of non-governmental organisations (NGOs). Our 180-plus members work around the world. What unites us is a commitment to working with the world's … Networks NGOs Associate member International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA) ICVA is a global network of non-governmental organizations working together and independently to influence policy and practice in order to make humanitarian assistance more effective and principled.Address:26-28 Avenue Guiseppe-MottaSwitzerland Networks NGOs Associate member Key Aid Consulting The Key Aid consulting team provides quality evaluations, innovative capacity building solutions, and comprehensive cash and market based programming solutions to individuals and organizations in the aid sector.Address:18 bis rue … Consultants Associate member Sphere The Sphere movement was started in 1997 by a group of humanitarian professionals aiming to improve the quality of humanitarian work during disaster response. With this goal in mind, they … Networks NGOs Associate member Start Network More than 90 non-governmental organizations make up Start Network across five continents, from large international organizations to local and national organizations. Through their programmes, members are able to deliver humanitarian … Networks NGOs Associate member The Humanitarian Health Ethics (hhe) Network The humanitarian health ethics (hhe) research is a multidisciplinary team of researchers and practitioners that has collaborated since 2009. A primary objective of their research is to study how ethical … Networks NGOs Associate member Steering Committee for Humanitarian Response SCHR was founded in 1972 to foster greater accountability and impact of humanitarian activities by bringing together nine of the top humanitarian organisations in the world.Address:Route de Pré-Bois 1VernierGeneva1214Switzerland Networks NGOs Associate member Valid International Valid International provides specialised advisers to support programme implementation, evaluate programme impact and research humanitarian and development techniques. Our goal is to improve humanitarian programme implementation by promoting and carrying … Consultants Associate member Global Emergency Group (GEG) Global Emergency Group (GEG) provides humanitarian response industry consulting services. GEG employs seasoned response and recovery professionals with experience in a wide range of industries. To improve humanitarian response worldwide, … Consultants Associate member Dutch Relief Alliance In partnership with the Netherlands' Ministry of Foreign Affairs and numerous local organizations, the Dutch Relief Alliance is a coalition of 14 Dutch humanitarian organizations. Its members are: CARE Nederland, … Networks NGOs Associate member DT Global Through sustainable development and innovation, DT Global strives to empower individuals, communities, and nations. Their goal is to promote social equity, economic prosperity, and environmental stewardship in partnership with local … Consultants Full member Sustainable Environment Ecological Development Society (SEEDS) Founded in 1994, SEEDS had one ultimate goal: building the resilience of people exposed to disasters and climate change impacts. For the last 27 years, we have been enabling this … NGO Full member Solidarites International Committed to providing universal access to drinking water and sanitation, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL is there to help people hit by war, epidemics and natural disasters.Address:89 rue de ParisClichyF92110France NGO Full member Swedish International Development Agency Sida – the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency – is a government agency. Our mission is part of the national policy for global development and we strive to reduce world … Donor/Foundations Full member Swedish Red Cross Society Swedish Red Cross (SRC) is the largest humanitarian non-governmental organization in Sweden, with over 30.000 volunteers in nearly 1.000 branches across the country. SRC is a member of the Red … Red Cross/Crescent Full member Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) The SDC’s organisation is based on one humanitarian, one multilateral, one thematic and three geographical divisions. The following units provide support for the whole of the SDC: Foundations and Quality, … Donor/Foundations Full member Tearfund With more than 50 partner churches in the world's poorest countries, Tearfund is an internationally recognised Christian charity. Through sustainable development, disaster response, and challenge to injustice, they address poverty … NGO Full member Translators without Borders Translators without Borders (TWB) is a non-profit organization offering language and translation support for humanitarian and development agencies, and other non-profit organizations on a global scale. Address:Suite 50030 Main StreetDanbury06810United … NGO Full member Transparency International Globally, Transparency International works to eradicate corruption in over 100 countries.In order to promote the common good, they focus on issues that impact the lives of the most vulnerable people. … NGO Back 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next