Full member COAST Foundation A Bangladesh-based national NGO working to support disadvantaged communities to become active partners in development initiatives. NGO Full member Christian Aid Christian Aid is an INGO working to end poverty and inequality and support humanitarian crisis responses where needs are great. NGO Full member Centre for Development and Emergency Practice (CENDEP) An academic institution for the study of international development, conflict, disaster management, humanitarianism and human rights. Academic Full member Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) A non-profit policy research organization dedicated to advancing practical ideas to address the world’s greatest challenges. Academic Full member CARE International A 12-member confederation supporting CARE’s humanitarian relief and development programmes in 65 countries worldwide. NGO Full member Center for Disaster Preparedness Foundation Asia-based pioneers in the field of community-based disaster risk reduction and management and climate change adaptation. NGO Full member CDA Collaborative Learning Projects Combining rigorous analysis and evidence-based methodologies to produce useful tools and guidance for practitioners and policymakers. Academic Full member Canadian Research Institute on Humanitarian Crisis and Aid (OCCAH) Independent research group focused on multidisciplinary fields in the study of humanitarian action. Academic Full member CALP Network A global network of over 90 organisations engaged in the areas of policy, practice and research in humanitarian cash and voucher assistance. Networks NGOs Associate member CAFOD UK A member of one of the largest aid networks in the world, this UK NGO supports humanitarian and development programmes around the world. Academic Full member Bioforce Providing support and training for humanitarian support functions, and in the areas of water supply and sanitation. Academic Full member Action Against Hunger An INGO tackling life-threatening hunger in conflict and crisis contexts around the world. NGO Full member Africa Humanitarian Action An INGO providing humanitarian relief and recovery assistance to displaced people and refugees, and also providing advocacy services. NGO Full member World Vision International Global faith-based organisation providing humanitarian and development support around the world. NGO Full member All India Disaster Mitigation Institute (AIDMI) A community-based action planning, action research and advocacy organisation specialising in disaster mitigation and climate change adaptation. NGO Full member ODI An independent, global affairs think tank with a focus on international development. Academic Full member Inter-Agency Standing Committee The longest-standing and highest-level humanitarian coordination forum of the UN system. UN/UN agency Full member ALNAP The global network for advancing humanitarian learning. Networks NGOs Full member AECID The official Spanish government agency for international development cooperation and for humanitarian assistance. Donor/Foundations Full member Federal Foreign Office, Germany The official German government department responsible for international and supra-national relations. Donor/Foundations Back 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next